Friday, 29 April 2011

One time.. NOT forgotten...

One bright morning, June 28, 2010, when I woke up I felt so inspired and thankful for everything because it is my birthday and my kids surprised me by greeting me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA"

That was very touching because they knew it was my birthday and they gave me flowers.

I went to the market and bought a live chicken, I killed and cooked and we ate. Fun! Well.. maybe not fun for Mr. Chicken, but for us something special for breakfast!  And I bought a one liter bottle of coca cola.  That's all I could do for treat to my kids, but they are happy and I am happy too.

Like so many years ago, I did not forget to go church and pray and light a candle. I prayed to give thanks for the things He has done for me and for my health. He gave me good health and He did not make me derelict or crippled. He gave me good and patient children and He understand our situation. I ask too more blessings to come in our life and tahnk for someone I have now - my b.f who is helping me much.

After I lit my candle I went home and continue at works in the home, then went off to work at the factory. My co-workers did not know it's my birthday but my friends and neighbors here they know and they great me too on my way by to go to the job. I don't have enough to treat to them but they understand. One of my friends, she treats me to a little snack with my other friends too. I thank her and am touched.

That was my all I have for my birthday last year.. but it was a good year, and I am so thankful. 

We see what happens for birthday in 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Birth Day to you Babaeng.
    Wish you and your kids the very best future to come.
    The way you portray your candle light birth day celebration with your kids is kind of strange and lonely..In fact it is rather melancholy, I guess.
    Whatever it is, happiness lies on the purity of mind and heart...God bless.
